Corporate Training

Our Approach

As a leader in IT learning with a strong understanding of technology and top notch service culture, StepIn2IT has extensive experience in helping organizations small and big design, deliver, manage and sustain training programs integral to the development of a well trained and competent workforce. As your training partner, StepIn2IT Corporate Training works collaboratively with your organization to develop the solution and training curriculum that will meet the operational and strategic needs of your business.

To determine the most efficient and effective training solution for you, we take the following approach to every corporate training need:

  • Gain a good understanding of your business including background, nature of your business, domain, IT organization structure, training expectations, concerns and any challenges
  • Determine the gap in knowledge and skills required for your trainees and
  • Confirm learning outcomes and objectives of your training initiative

Customized Training Solutions

StepIn2IT invests our experience and expertise in delivering training solutions to work for your organization, wherever and whenever your staffs needs the training to maximize their potential and reap rich continuing rewards for your organization.

Understanding your trainee and business needs

Developing the right training solution for you and your employees starts with a solid understanding of your training needs. We work collaboratively with you to confirm your organizational need for training as well as the specific requirements for a training solution. Both a formal and/or informal needs assessment is employed based on the training scope. Whether it is a standard training or a customized training we will be glad to work with you to understand your needs to deliver a solution that fits your budget and objectives.

Gathering your trainee and business needs

upon establishing the training need, we work collaboratively with your staff to design the optimum training solution guided by our knowledgeable & resourceful account managers and training professionals to navigate through our variety of training products, services and options.

Flexibility and Options

You’ll have access to our readymade courses as the core content for your training solution, which we can customize to your needs in a variety of ways. We’ll help you with your choice of:
  • Delivery method (class-room instructor led or online)
  • Frequency and Scheduling
  • In-house or off-site
  • Various additional services options in support of meeting your training objectives such as assessments, certification etc.
Please call 416-743-6333 for more information or fill out the short form below and we’ll contact you.

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If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 416-743-6333 &