Mobile Application Development

Android is an open source OS developed by Android Inc, promoted and purchased by Google to promote open standards for mobile devices (Open Handset Alliance) and Android has taken big steps over the last few years to become the largest in its category rivaling the iOS (Apple). What began as a promising but little-implemented operating system has matured into a strong OS powering a slew of mobile devices and currently being used on tablets and netbooks. There's a big opportunity here a multi billion dollar opportunity, but the path to Android programming isn't as clear as it should be and that’s why we have put together this course after consulting some of the best brains into a comprehensive program that is effective and deals with everything you need to put together an app. You’ll feel at home if you already know Java since the apps you make with Android are heavily dependent on the frameworks. Anyone with an understanding of common, object-oriented languages like C++ and C# will pick things up quickly.

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