Blog Archives


Business Analysis in the Age of Big Data and Data Science


Business analysis in the age of big data and data science refers to the process of using data-driven insights and data-related technologies to inform and support business decision making.


The Importance of Business Analysis in Cloud Computing


Business analysis plays a crucial role in cloud computing as it helps organizations understand the impact and potential benefits of moving to the cloud.


5 Tricks In Test Cases


When it comes to manual testing, test cases are an essential part of the process. To ensure that test cases are accurate and effective, there are some tricks that testers can use. Here are five tricks for test cases:


9 Lessons and tricks for Java


Automation testing is an essential part of the software development process and Java coupled with Selenium can give you a powerful edge in this domain.


A Guide to Becoming a Successful Business Analyst


Successful business analysts have to be able to think strategically, understand the needs of their stakeholders, and communicate effectively. They must also possess a solid knowledge of data analysis, project management, and business processes.


Importance of Software Testing process and Top 20 Testing Tools


Automation tools play a crucial role in the software testing process by allowing organizations to streamline testing efforts and improve the overall efficiency of their QA process. Some of the key benefits of using automation tools include:

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